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Aspire and Do

n’gad shma, avad shma

“A name made great is a name destroyed.”

  -Avot 1:13


Why would this be?  How is it possible that the famous are destroyed?  After all, they are followed by the paparazzi.  They are celebrated and followed on twitter and instagram.  Their clothes and hairstyles are imitated.

Yet, the Mishna is telling us something far deeper than surface fame.  Fame fades.  The camera swivels and catches someone else doing something more daring or being more captivating.  And it is gone.  Now we feel worse than when we first sought notoriety.

Aspiring to possess a great name comes at a Faustian price.  We forfeit the ability to do good deeds unnoticed.  We are no longer capable of hearing the inner voice of righteousness but only the one that seeks and hears the applause.

Follow the path of integrity, modesty.  Do good and you will be great.


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