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Showing posts from February, 2015

Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods

The office secretary at a large church in Washington DC where the President of the United States frequently worships has an annoying task to perform.  Many people call the church to ask whether the president is expected for services on Sunday.  The secretary developed an answer to such callers: "I cannot promise that the president will be there, but I can promise that God will be there.  That should be reason enough for coming."  - R. Ralph Simon Odd how we confuse people with God.  Perhaps there is good reason to still have the First Commandment!

When Death Comes

"I Shadar ben Aar reigned over a million provinces rode nine million steeds slew a million heroes and when the Angel of Death came to me I could not prevail against him."   -Mendele D'Klintshe, 1873


Rabbi,” a man said.   “I am in the midst of such turmoil.   My wife is sick, my children are fighting with each other and my business is in a serious slump.” “Do not worry,” said the sage.   “The economy will pick up, your wife will improve and she will help with the children.   Now, just turn to God and pray.” “But I don’t know how to pray!” said the man. “Oy,” the rabbi said with a sigh.   “You do have a serious problem.”

What We Do in Shul

When Harry Golden was young he once asked his father, “If you don’t believe in God why do you go so synagogue so regularly?”    His father answered, “Jew go to synagogue for all sorts of reasons.   my friend, Garfinkle, who is Orthodox, goes to talk to God. I go to talk to Garfinkle.”   -Q uoted by Harold Kushner in When Bad Things Happen to Good People .

Meaningful Prayer

A disciple asked his rabbi what difference it made how he uttered the prayers since the words in the siddur were the same, no matter whether they were said with great difference or indifferently.   His rabbi replied, “A statue can be cast from a mold; but one can pour gold into it or lead.   In form, the two statues will be identical but obviously the golden one is more beautiful.   So it is with prayers.   Outwardly they have the same form but it is the inward devotion that determines their beauty.” -Hasidic Pray like you mean it!

Practice! Practice!

“Judaism understands that there is an element of risk in this type of program.   It is repetitious.   Sometimes, by dint of repetition, religious rituals may become mechanical.   Again, let me refer to a metaphor.   What does it take to play glorious music?   Great art can be appreciated only because the artist had the patience and the willingness to discipline himself.   Inspiration comes after constant practice.   Paderewski is reputed to have remarked: “ If I stop playing the piano one day, I feel the difference.   If I stop playing two days, the critics know the difference.   If I stop practicing three days, my audience knows the difference.”   There is no substitute for repetition.   Only by accepting constant self-discipline can we enjoy the glories of the symphony of Jewish life.”


In the far corner, Aunt Rose was down on her knees intoning Sh’ma Yisroel. "God will punish you, Harold," my father yelled. "God will cleave your tongue to the roof of your mouth and all your cattle and kine shall die and a tenth of all thy crops shall wither…" - Woody Allen , Side Effects Religion is often caricatured   for its rigid positioning on all life.   Woody Allen understands this and makes fun of it.   Yet, real faith knows that religion is not about reward and punishment, it is about having guiderails so that life is no longer random, cruel and meaningless.