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The Real Life

What does it mean to be engaged in life?

"Judaism did not turn heavenward and create in heaven an eternal habitation of souls.  It found 'eternal life' on earth, by strengthening the social feeling in the individual by making him regard himself not as an isolated being with an existence bounded by birth and death, but as a part of a larger whole, as a limb of the social body...I live for the sake of the member.  I die to make room for new individuals, who will mould the community afresh and not allow it to stagnate and remain forever in one position.  When the individual thus values the community as his own life, and strives after its happiness as though it were his individual well being, he finds satisfaction, and no longer feels so keenly the bitterness of his individual existence, because he sees the end for which he lives and suffers." - Achad`HaAm


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