When someone you love is falling apart with the dreaded disease that seems to be consuming him little by little, you become steeped in fear and anger and denial and often feel helpless. What can you do? What is the purpose of all this? “Why, dear God, why?” is the question that goes around and around in your head. You’ve heard it said that when you have your health you have everything. I wonder about that. Do you really? My beloved husband is sick. I live and feel and breathe these things and live with the questions always. But I have found one of the answers. I give it to you. No it is not true that when you have your health you have everything.
What is true is, if you have someone who truly cares about you, when you do not have your health, you have everything. It is easier to buy good health than to buy good love. No amount of money can do that. Love us a free gift. It can give us all the strength we need to go on when there ain’t no more to give…. Screaming out in the quiet, “I adore you. I hate this. I am here. If only my love could heal you, you would be healed instantly. Together we’ll get through this. We’ll beat this thing.” And in my heart I know our love is better than anything else, richer than anything else, healthier than anything else and will rise above anything else, yes, and can even heal. No, when you have your health you do not have everything, but when you have a heart, soul, connected to yours, be a wife, husband, child, friend, lover, parent, sister, brother, doctor, nurse, whoever, that says, “I love you, I’m here,” you have everything.” -Anita, unknown source