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Showing posts from May, 2016

A Question

"We are innocent, as we have proclaimed and maintained from the time of our arrest.  This is the whole truth.  To forsake the truth is to pay too high a price even for the priceless gift of life -- for life thus purchased we could not live out in dignity and self-respect." -Ethel and Julius Rosenberg's petition for executive clemency filed January 9. 1953. Looking back did we, as a nation and people, turn a deaf ear to truth for the sake of pride and acceptance?

Be Optimistic

Nixon, Brezhnev and Golda Meir were sitting together on a plane when God announced to them that a worldwide flood would begin in three days to punish mankind for its sinfulness.   He advised the three leaders to return to their respective countries immediately. Nixon rushed to Washington and made a nationwide television broadcast in which he announced that the world would end in three days.   F or the next three days, he ordered, America’s capitalists would not have to contend with any government controls; they were permitted to make all the money that they wanted. Brezhnev, on the other hand, told the people that inasmuch as there were only three days left, they would assume the final stage of Communism had been reached, and they were given permission to drink unlimited vodka. Golda Meir optimistically went before the Knesset to advise the parliamentarians that there were only three days left for government leaders to come up with a feasible plan to make...

When we Suffer

Brezhnev and Kosygin met to discuss the Jewish question in the Soviet Union. “Kosygin, how many Jews do we have here?” “About 2 ½ million, I think” “And if we opened the borders to let out the troublemakers among them, how many do you think would leave?” “Probably no less than 5 million.” It has been said by historical observers that when the Jews suffer they are the first indication of a greater malaise that will soon engulf all.

War is Not Ordered

" Any war involving more than 60,000 is necessarily chaotic."  -R Eleazar, shir hashirm rabba 4:4 And, it must be asked, is this really necessary?  So that we end up making names for mistakes at times of war, like collateral damage ?  

Where is God?

When Rava and Abaye (two Talmudic scholars) were both young boys growing up together they were asked, "Where does God live?"  Abaye immediately ran outside and pointed toward the sky while Rava just motioned upward towards the ceiling." -Louis Jacobs

Purpose in Life

“Without theology “there is no meaning in life that transcends pure self-preservation;” without God “the longing for perfect justice must remain unfulfilled, and in the end the murderer must triumph over his innocent victim;” with Him our “need for consolation” remains unsatisfied- for time and eternity.”   -Hans Kung

We Last

Russian official: “Why are you applying to leave the Soviet Union?” Emigrant: “Everyone at work keeps telling me that the Soviet Union is in such a state of political and economic crisis that it’s going to collapse.” Russian official: “Nonsense.   The Soviet Union is very stable.   It can go on just as it is for thousands of years.” Emigrant: “That’s my other reason." We, on the other hand, have been around since Abraham, and will remain that way.  Trust in the One.

Why We Love Stories

The Dubner Maggid was asked why the parable had such a strong effect upon people. "I will enlighten you as a parable," he replied. Truth once walked along the streets unclad, and no one would admit into their houses. They were terrified and fled from him. As Truth walked about in despair he met Parable who was adorned fashionable and attractively colored clothes. “Why are you so depressed, my brother?” He asked addressing truth. ”I am very, very old, replied Truth, “and no one wants to recognize me.” “It is not because you are old that people do not like you,” explained Parable. Look at me; I too look very old but the older I grow the more people love me. I will tell you secret.  " People are partial to everything that is decorative, and a little disguised. I will loan you my clothes and you will see that everyone will love you.” Truth followed the advice of Parable and adorned himself in his clothes. Since that d...