The Dubner Maggid was asked why the parable had such a
strong effect upon people.
"I will enlighten you as a parable," he replied.
Truth once walked along the streets unclad, and no one would
admit into their houses. They were terrified and fled from him. As Truth walked
about in despair he met Parable who was adorned fashionable and attractively
colored clothes.
“Why are you so depressed, my brother?” He asked addressing
”I am very, very old, replied Truth, “and no one wants to
recognize me.”
“It is not because you are old that people do not like you,”
explained Parable. Look at me; I too look very old but the older I grow the more
people love me. I will tell you secret.
"People are partial to
everything that is decorative, and a little disguised. I will loan you my
clothes and you will see that everyone will love you.”
Truth followed the advice of Parable and adorned himself in
his clothes. Since that day, Parable and Truth go hand-in-hand and people are
quite fond of both.”