Nixon, Brezhnev and Golda Meir were sitting together on a
plane when God announced to them that a worldwide flood would begin in three
days to punish mankind for its sinfulness.
He advised the three leaders to return to their respective countries
immediately. Nixon rushed to Washington and made a nationwide television broadcast
in which he announced that the world would end in three days. For the next three days, he ordered, America’s
capitalists would not have to contend with any government controls; they were
permitted to make all the money that they wanted.
Brezhnev, on the other hand, told the people that inasmuch
as there were only three days left, they would assume the final stage of
Communism had been reached, and they were given permission to drink unlimited
Golda Meir optimistically went before the Knesset to advise
the parliamentarians that there were only three days left for government
leaders to come up with a feasible plan to make it possible for the people of
Israel to live under water.