Sammy had just moved into a new apartment and was out celebrating with his friend Benny. At 2:00 am, he invited Benny back to his new place where they continued to celebrate.
Then Benny said, “Before I go home, why not show me around?” So Sammy proudly showed Benny his apartment and all the high tech it contained. Then he took Benny to show him his home office and Benny couldn’t help but notice a very large shofar on the desk.
“Why do you have a shofar in your office?” asked Benny. “Are you the shofar blower at your shul?” “No, that’s my clock,” Sammy replied.
“A clock? Are you serious?” said Benny. “Of course,” replied Sammy. “So how does it work?” said Benny.
“Watch this,” Sammy said, as he picked up the shofar and blew it at the top of his lungs, first a beautiful and strong tekiah, then a mournful shevarim, a perfectly staccato teruah, followed by a tekiah gedolah that lasted a full 30 seconds.
Benny says, “Wow you really are a world class shofar blower! But why did you say your shofar is a clock?”
Suddenly, someone in the apartment next door screamed, “Stop that, you inconsiderate oaf. It’s 2:30 in the morning!!”
R. Eli Garfinkle
The shofar's task is to awaken our inner spirit to the cal of the Almighty.