Good morning to You, Lord of the world!
I, Levi Yitzhak, son of Sarah of Berditchev, am coming to You,
in a legal matter concerning Your people Israel.
What do You want of Israel?
It is always, "Command the children of Israel,"
It is always, "Speak unto the children of Israel."
Merciful Father! How many people are there in the world?
Persians, Babylonians, Edomites!
The Russians, what do they say?
Our emperor is the emperor.
The Germans, what do they say?
Our kingdom is the kingdom.
The English, what do they say?
Our kingdom is the kingdom.
But I, Levi Yitzhak, son of Sarah of Berditchev, say:
I shall not go hence, nor nudge from my place
until there be a finish
until there be an end of exile -
Glorified and sanctified be His great name."
-Nahum Glatzer in A Jewish Reader
How wonderful it would be if each of us would care for one another to this dredger. Surely the Master of Creation would be moved to tears.