Living is not difficult. We were not consulted - as far as we can recall - about being born. The same will be true when we exit this world; it will happen without or permission.
Living is easy: living a quality life is the hard part. That is why the vast majority of our literature attempts to give meaning to the mundane. Starting with the Torah, God guides us through various stages of moral devlopment. From the simple living of Eden to the Laws of Noah to Sinai and the culmination of the revealing of the 613 mitzvot God teaches us through example and law.
Countless times throughout history, it has been has proven that humanity, left to its own minds, are ingenious crafters of vicious behavior.
With a navigational guide to point us in the right direction we have a much better track record.
With this thought in mind it is curious that the Talmud warns us, "In a place where you drink water do not throw stones." -Baba Kamma 92b