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Let Go

My burdens are lighter, because I hold no anger or grudges towards anyone. It's true, that when we forgive, we let go of our anger. Anger like hatred is too heavy a burden for me that I cannot accept it. Anger continues to fester inside of our minds and souls to the point it becomes a bad poison to our minds and souls. Get rid of it, fast! It's not worth it, be happy, light and free.

-Elizabeth Unser 

Forgiveness Helps the Forgiver 

Forgiveness often helps the forgiver as much, if not more, than the forgivee. You can't do much about what people have done to you, but you can do EVERYTHING about how you react to it.

-Terry Phillips 

Forgive and You’ll Be Forgiven 

I totally believe in forgiveness and I believe that if you forgive you will be forgiven. I have had a lot of bad things happen in my life and I forgive the people that did what they did to me-if you don’t you will live your life eaten up with hate and die a bitter and unhappy person.

-Debbie J Elliott-Watkins 

Man has no claim upon God. Even Moses came before God only with an appeal for grace.

-Rabbi Yohanan, Deuteronomy Rabbah




While praying, listen to the words very carefully. When your heart is attentive, your entire being enters your prayer without your having to force it.

-Rebbe Nachman of Breslov




Hope is like peace. It is not a gift from God. It is a gift only we can give one another.

-Elie Wiesel



A human being must either climb up or climb down.

-Talmud: Erubin, 21a


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