Everything is delicately balanced. One life supports another. Tiny fish at once feed upon smaller fish and are fed upon by larger ones. Like a perfectly calibrated piece of machinery all that exists thrums with predictability.
Night comes to cool the heated earth. Daylight brings warmth to the fertile ground. Death makes room for new life. Everything that exists is in relation to everything else.
Is this why God insists that we be good guardians? Why we have so many commandments to care for one another? If we do not care for each other the balance will become upset.
The Kelmer Maggid was in the midst of delivering a powerful oration. He shouted out, “Listen. my rich friends! You must see to it that tzedaka is done. You must be meticulous in giving charity. If not, the poor will starve to death.
“”Now you may be asking, ‘why is this such a big deal? What does it matter if I give a little or a lot to the poor?’
My dear friends, you must be concerned. The holy Torah tells us that the world will not continue to exist without the poor. The world needs them. If they disappear, you will take their place!”