A traveler wearily made his way over the rocks and sand over the vast expanse of desert. Finally, raw and parched he came to a small oasis. A mighty tree towered up over the spring. Sitting under the shade of the verdant branches of the tree, the traveler ate the luscious fruits that easily came off the heavy, thick branches. He drank the sweet water and lay down in the coo shade now shielded from the unrelenting sun. After he dozed, the traveler turned his face to the tree and said, "What can I give you that you do not already have? You are blessed with beauty and shade, strong limbs and delicious fruits. You are poised in a precious location and a spring feeds your roots. What can I offer? Let me wish that all your offshoots be just like you!"
-Yohanan bar Nafpacha in Bamidbar Rabba 2:12
A blessing is a great gift. It is heartfelt. A joy. A present that is beyond value.