The late Pinchas Peli told a story about two Lubavitch Hasidim discussing the Jewish community and its future. One said to the other, “The whole world is divided between ‘them’ and ‘us.’ No point in talking about ‘them.’ Let’s talk about us. Among us, the Jewish world is divided between Ashkenazim and Sephardim. No point in talking about the Sephardim. Among the Ashkenazim, there are Misnagdim and Hasidim. No point in talking about the Misnagdim. Amon the Hasidim, there are Lubavitch and Satmer. No point in talking about the Satmer. Among the Lubavitch, there are Farbrengung and Maskilim. No pint in talking about the Farbregung Lubavitch. Among the Maskilim, there are only you and me, and you know how little you know.”
Myopia is not an admirable quality. It is better to be open to everyone.