The old sage agreed to visit the home of Velvel to talk. The following day, the sage arrived at Velvel’s home. Velvel was sitting kitchen at the breakfast table.
”Good morning old sage, what an honor to have you visit us,” Velvel said.
”I have come to find out if you need any help. Your friends have told me you were taking medicine for a cough. Yet they saw you shaking violently as you walked away. They were very concerned for your health.”
”I am deeply flattered by their concern but the truth is it is nothing more than a cough that’s the doctor is helping me get rid of.”
”Then what is this violent shaking they observed as you walked away?” the old sage asked.
“Oh that?” replied Velvel, “that is nothing at all. I am merely following the instructions on my medicine.”
”Following directions on your medicine?” gasped the old sage. “What has the medicine got to do with your shaking?”
”Here,” exclaimed Velvel. “This is my medicine bottle and if you read the label attached to the bottom you will see that it says you should take the medicine three times a day. Then in big letters it says, shake well before using.”
Always think for yourself. This is your greatest asset and attribute.