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Showing posts from January, 2022

Tears Move God

“Do you know who rescinded the celestial decree that would have unleashed catastrophe to our people?” the Baal Shem Tov asked Rabbi Nahman of Horodenko.  “I'll tell you. Neither you nor, nor the sages nor the greatest spiritual leaders. Our prayers, our fasting were all in vain. We were saved by a woman, a woman of our people. This is how it happened: She came to the synagogue, tears running down her face and addressed the Almighty, “Master of the Universe are You or are You not our Father?  Why will you not listen to Your children imploring you? You see, I am a mother. I have plenty of children, five. And every time they shed a tear it breaks my heart. But You, Father, have so many more. Every person is your child and every one of them is weeping and weeping. Even if You heart is made of stone how can You be indifferent?   “And,” the Baal Shem Tov concluded, “God decided she was right.” Your prayers, every word, matters.

A Story of Resilience

The greatest discoveries in the field of radium and x-ray were made by a husband and wife, professor and Madame Curie. These pioneers carried on the work before they realized how dangerous x-rays were. Professor Curie was infected by the x rays. He suffered the loss of his fingers and became so sick that he could no longer carry on his work. As he was dying his beloved wife stood by his side. When she realized that his life was ebbing away she said, “We have done all of our work together. We labored in the laboratory and we suffered, and now if you leave me I cannot carry on. We worked together, never alone. Life will be nothing without you.” Professor Curie replied, “On the contrary, while I was with you the way to of us to do the work. When I go there will be only one. You will have to work for both of us.” Think of what you can do.

Conflict Resolution

Dr. Karl Menninger, unknowingly echoed Rabbi Akiba when  he said, "If solutions are to be found to the tensions that rock the world scene and baffle the individual person, we must do something within ourselves to resolve the conflicts of love and hate."  -quoted by Paul E. Johnston

Do Right

University of Illinois football coach Bob Zuppke was renowned for the fire and fervor of his half-time pep talks.  One afternoon, his team hit the locker room after the first half well behind in both points and enthusiasm. Zuppke began talking to them and the more he talked the louder and more dramatic his voice became. The momentum built in the players. Then the coach pointed to the door at the far end of the locker room and said, "Now go out there and win this game!" Filled with emotion the players got off the bench, ran to the door and charged through it. But it was the wrong door, and one by one they fell into the swimming pool!   It is one thing to be all charged up, it's quite another to be headed in the right direction.

God's Attention

"The Lord's kindness is attracted to gayety. A joyful person is usually blessed with plenty, even though he may be impious. A sad person is usually in want, even though he be God-fearin g."           -Simcha Bunim of Parsischa

Reveal Yourself

 Physicist and Nobel-Laureate Leon Lederman reveals what makes the life of a scientist special: Winning the Nobel Prize was a great thrill.  But it does not compare with the incredible excitement that comes when you realize an experiment is a success; when you discover some new fact about the universe. It's astonishing how often this happens around 3 am., when you are alone in the lab.  You have learned something profound, and not one of other five billion people on earth knows what you now know.  -from The God Particle Each of us possess something unique to us.  Our task is to discover and thenreveal it.

Think for Yourself

The old sage agreed to visit the home of Velvel to talk. The following day, the sage arrived at Velvel’s home.  Velvel was sitting kitchen at the breakfast table. ”Good morning old sage, what an honor to have you visit us,” Velvel said. ”I have come to find out if you need any help. Your friends have told me you were taking medicine for a cough.  Yet they saw you shaking violently as you walked away. They were very concerned for your health.” ”I am deeply flattered by their concern but the truth is it is nothing more than a cough that’s the doctor is helping me get rid of.” ”Then what is this violent shaking they observed as you walked away?” the old sage asked. “Oh that?” replied Velvel, “that is nothing at all. I am merely following the instructions on my medicine.” ”Following directions on your medicine?” gasped the old sage. “What has the medicine got to do with your shaking?” ”Here,” exclaimed Velvel.  “This is my medicine bottle and if you read the la...


 Queen Victoria and Price Albert had a quarrel shortly after their marriage.  Albert stormed out of the room and locked himself in his private apartment.  Victoria hammered furiously on the door.  "Who's there?" called Albert. "The Queen of England and she demands to be admitted." There was no response. More fruitless knocking was followed by a pause. Then, a gentle tap.   "Who's there?" came the question. "Your wife, Victoria," came the response. The Prince opens the door. Do not let ego ruin your love.