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Prayers of Healing

Psalm 16

These are among David's golden words:
Watch over me, God,
****for I seek refuge in You.
You said to the Lord:
****You are my Master,
******but my good fortune is not Your concern.
"Rather, the holy ones on the earth
****--You care for them
*******and for the great ones whom I should emulate.
"When their pain multiplies,
****they know to speedily turn to another.
**But I cannot even pour their libations because of guilt,
******I cannot even lift their names to my lips."
The Lord is the Portion, which is mine by right,
******my Cup.
******You nurture my destiny.
Labor pains turn into pleasantness--
******so, too, I must see my inheritance of beauty.
I will bless the Lord who counsels me,
******though at night my conscience afflicts me.
I keep the Lord continually before me;
******because of God-Who-is-my-Right-Hand,
******I shall not break down.
So my mind is happy,
****my whole being joyful;
******even my body rests secure.
For You shall not abandon my soul
*****to the world of the dead,
*******nor let the one who loves You
********see his own grave.
Give me directions on life's road.
****With Your Presence,
*****I am filled up with joys,
*******with the delights that ever come
********from Your Strong Arm.

My God,
it has taken me time,
but I’m finally learning
to trust You.
When I called, You answered;
when I cried, You sent relief;
when I was in need,
You came through.
You are there for me
in every instance.
I need only
look, think, and understand,
and I can always find You;
there You are,
always ready to help.
Thank You, God,
for waiting for me.

— Rebbe Nachman of Breslov in Men Pray: Voices of Strength, Faith, Healing, Hope and Courage 

G-d of wisdom,
Teach me the right words.
Teach me the very words
That will touch the hearts
And souls of others.
When a friend needs
My understanding ear,
Teach me the words to say
That will strengthen,
That will encourage,
That will express
Only my love
And concern


Teach me, Dear G-d,
That often
The most effective words
Are no words at all.
Teach me how and when
To communicate
With that most potent gift
Of silence



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