Two people were walking along a deserted path, and in the hand of one of them was a jug of water. If both of them drink, they will both die [before reaching another source of water]. If one drinks, he will reach an inhabited place [and survive]. Ben Petora explained: “It is best that both drink and both die, so that one will not see the death of his friend. But then Rabbi Akiva taught: “Let him live by your side” (Lev. 25:36) – your life comes before the life of your companion. -Baba Metsia 62a
We are obliged to do everything to save ourselves, preserve our health and wellbeing. This does not mean, God forbid, that we would ever deign to take something from someone else that could cause them harm but we must always help ourselves first and then others. Like they say on the airlines, "place the mask on your face first then on others."
Take away in our time: In this time of covid 19 we are obligated to take the vaccine and encourage others to follow.