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On Noah

"The end of all flesh has come before Me" said God before the deluge.

"End" (heb kaytz): the time has come for Me to cut (hikkatzetz) them down.

"Flesh": (heb. baser) the time has come for me to traetthem as unripened grapes.

During the age of the Flood this is what used to happen: a man would bring a basket of lupines and someone would steal a minimal amount, less than a penny's worth, and they could not be punished. Simply because they had stolen so little  they could  get away with it, and they did.  Therefore God said, "You have acted callously, so I too will act callously."

Common law does not concern itself with trivial amounts, trifles.  But in Judaism  any violation is destructive to humanity.  Beresheit Rabbah, Soncino . p120


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