Here is an interesting, but meaningful story:
On a farm just about the size of an average room a farmer was working his land, not very energetically, when his foot hit a bottle. He bent over to pick it up in a genie came out. The genie said, “I will give you one wish.” The farmer said, “You see this piece of land I have? It is very small, it does not grow very much grass and I have a cow which gives very little milk. I have chickens and they lay very few eggs. Maybe one each. My slob of a wife is lousy at keeping house and I have three delinquent children. A few kilometers down the road I have a neighbor. He has a piece of land the same size as mine. His cow gives a lot of milk. His chickens lay eggs every day. His wife is gorgeous and runs a beautiful household and they have three children who are terrific. I want you to make him like me.”
Sometimes instead of improving ourselves we want others to be diminished. This is not the Godly, Jewish, way. We should always strive to grow, become better people and more learned every day.
Do not curse others, seek blessing.