The Talmud tells of Onkelos, the son of Kallonymos, an outstanding personality of the ancient Roman Empire, who, becoming a proselyte, aroused the wrath of Caesar. Caesar sent a group of solders to influence him to change his mind. However, Onkelos succeeded in persuading the soldiers to become proselytes like himself.
Caesar then sent other militias, warning them not to converse with him. They seized him and were about to bring him to Caesar when, leaving the house, he put a hand on the mezzuzah and smiled. Asking for an explanation, he said, "It is customary with a king of flesh that while he is in the palace his servants guard him from without. Our King, the King of the Universe, lets His servants sit inside, while guards them."
They too then became proselytes.
Zie a yid, an old Yiddishism, meaning be who you were born to be and all will fall into place.