In the little museum at the Mesa Verde National Park in Colorado, the tranquil scenes in the dioramas of ancient American Indian life depict women weaving baskets, cooking, taking care of the children. In one, the men are standing around staring into the wilderness, often with a dog at their side.
I overheard a woman remark how typical it was to see the women doing the work while the men lounged around doing nothing. The woman was wrong. Those ancient cliff dwellers weren’t simply doing nothing – they were watching out.
Watching out is still a popular pastime in the masculine genes. What does a small boy do when he climbs a tree? He watches out! A grown man leaning against his tractor, seemingly doing nothing, is actually obeying the deep urge to watch out. Even a boy standing on a street corner or sitting on an apartment stair is doing what nature intended for men to do - watching out. –Gene Hill