A King once passed through a large dense forest on a hunting trip. In the thick depths he became lost and could not find the way home. The monarch saw several villagers and peasants in the forest but when he asked them to guide him they did not know how for they had never traveled the Kings highway and we’re not familiar with it. Then the king met a wise and understanding man and as soon as the monarch asked about the highway the man instantly recognized that this was the king himself. With great honor and respect the man obeyed his king immediately. Being very wise he knew every turn of the main road. He led the king back to his palace and saw to it that the king should take his rightful place on the throne.
The King was vey pleased with this wise man, he appointed him to most exalted position, higher than all the other princes and nobles. He had him dressed in the finest robes and commanded that his old clothes be preserved as a memento amongst the royal treasures.
Many years past and the wise man committed a serious crime against the king. The king was furious and he ordered the leading princes and nobles to pass judgment on his former friend as a rebel against the king. The wise man was now in great distress for he knew that capital punishment was reserved for those rebelled against the king. He fell on his knees before the king and entreated and implored him that before judgment was passed, one last favor should be granted him – that he be permitted to dress himself in the old clothes he had worn many years earlier when he had met the king in the forest and that the king to should close himself in the garments he had then worn.
The king granted his request. When the wise man put on his old clothes and the king dressed himself in his former hunting garments the king remembered the great kindness displayed by the wise man many years ago. He recalled how my man had let him back to the palace and restored him to his throne. His pity was aroused and he forgave his old friend completely and restored him to his former position.
It is good to remember the good. It is also good and wise to forget the hurts.