There is a midrash on Ruth Rabbah (5:6). Rabbi Yitzhak the son of Merion said: Our text comes to teach us that if a person performs a mitzvah he should perform it with a perfect heart. If Reuven had known that the Holy One delivered him from their hand he would have carried Joseph on his shoulders to his father.
And if Aaron had known that the Holy One blessed be He was recording of him “Behold he is coming to meet you,” he would have come to meet Moses with drums and with dancing.
If Boaz had known that the Holy One blessed be He would record of him, “And they reached out to her parched corn and she ate and was satisfied and left thereof,” he would have fed her fatted calves. In the distant past when a person performed a mitzvah the prophet would record it.
When a person performs a mitzvah nowadays who is there to record it? Elijah records it and the messiah – and the Holy One blessed be He seals it for them.