When Brezhnev was elected to the party secretariat he brought his mother to the Kremlin for the big celebration. There he gave her champagne and caviar. Waiting to hear her remarks, she said nothing. So Brezhnev then took her to the party headquarters and there had the best cocktails and caviar surrounded in a bright, modern room. Still she said nothing. Then Brezhnev whisked hr off to his hunting lodge with all mahogany paneling, his own private chef and stock of vodka. Still his mother did not say a word. Finally Brezhnev exclaimed, “Why don’t you say anything about this?”
“Well,” she said, “Just be careful that the communists don’t come back to power.”
As days pass and we grow old it becomes more difficult to face change and remain unfearful of the past. When the past still haunts us we cannot fully live in the present. This is our challenge in the days ahead, to move past our past.