1. Life is short. Learn to recognize and embrace the things that really matter. Cherish the moment.
2. Share a cup of coffee with God each morning, first thing. Thank Him for all the blessings He has provided. Don’t overlook anything. Pray for friends and family. Forget about yourself. Just listen.
3.Tell your children that you love them, often, and then some more. Create opportunities to spend together.
4. Tell your spouse or people you love that you love them multiple times a day. Spend more time together. Gove hugs and kisses when they least expect it. Whatever you’re doing now is not enough.
5. Go see your mom just to talk. Listen to her. Give her a hug and kiss. ell you that you love her. Do it again. Then find your dad.
6. Make time for friends. Get together and laugh. Tell them that you love them. Bear their burdens. Shut up and listen. Be available and make sure they know it.
7. Turn off the news and forget the stock market. They don’t matter.
8. Give. Time, compassion, talents, advice, appreciation, money, cookies, etc.. We all have something to give that will be appreciated and cherished by another.
9. Turn off the TV, put down the hone, and go to a ballgame with someone you care about.
10. The simple things are important; like sitting in a rocker on the porch with a cold beverage watching the dogs or birds.
11. Take lots of pictures.
12. Answer the phone when your mother-in-law calls.
13. Try to be as good a person as your dog thinks that you are.
14. Give to someone or something that you cannot give back.
15. Don’t sweat the small stuff. And it’s all small stuff.
16. Remember that God is good, all the time.
-Lester Blackwell