“To be is to stand for.” -Abraham Joshua Heschel
"To be is to do."
- Myriam Mendelow
“Say little and do much” -Pirkey Avot
"Rabbi Simlai taught:
The Torah begins and ends with acts of caring, loving kindness." -Talmud: Sotah 14a
The Torah begins and ends with acts of caring, loving kindness." -Talmud: Sotah 14a
"A person who runs to do just, good, and kind deeds attains life, success, and honor."
-Proverbs 21:21
"Whatever I want for myself, I want the same for that other person." -Maimonides
"Advice and words do not fill an empty stomach.” -Midrash
“One who does tzedaka in secret is greater than Moses.” –Talmud, Baba Batra
“No one has ever become poor from giving.” –Anne Frank