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You shall love Adonai your God with all your mind, with all your strength, with all your being. Set these words, which I command you this day, upon your heart. —Deut 6:5-6

Even when you hold it in your arms,
you have not grasped it.
Wrapped and turned in upon itself 
the scroll says, Not yet.

Even when you take them into your eyes, 
you have not seen them; elegant 
in their crowns the letters stand aloof.

Even when you taste them in your mouth 
and roll them on your tongue
or bite the sharp unyielding strokes 
they say, Not yet.

And when the sounds pour from your throat 
and reach deep into your lungs for breath,
even then the words say, Not quite

But when your heart knows its own hunger
and your mind is seized and shaken,
and in the narrow space between the lines
your soul builds its nest,

Now, says Torah, now 
you begin to understand.

- Barbara D. Holender


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