"Which is the most important verse in the Torah?"
Rabbi Akiva said, " 'Thou shalt love they neighbor as thyself'; This is a fundamental teaching upon which the entire Torah is based'."
HIs colleague, Ben Azzai, said, "The greatest teaching in the Torah is "This is the book of the generations of man, in the likeness of God, He made him."
Akiva moves us to treat one another with kindness.
Azzai instructs us to first know that we are each crafted in the image of our Maker.
Rabbi Akiva said, " 'Thou shalt love they neighbor as thyself'; This is a fundamental teaching upon which the entire Torah is based'."
HIs colleague, Ben Azzai, said, "The greatest teaching in the Torah is "This is the book of the generations of man, in the likeness of God, He made him."
Akiva moves us to treat one another with kindness.
Azzai instructs us to first know that we are each crafted in the image of our Maker.