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“…in Czarist Russia, there lived two Jews who had vowed to remain friends on to death. And so, when one of them was accused of subversive activities, the other hastened to exonerate him by taking the charges upon himself. Of course, they wound up in prison together. The judges were obviously confused: how could they condemn two men for the same crime?  The case attracted the Czar’s attention. He ordered the two Jews brought before and this is what he said to them: ”Don’t worry, I am going to set you free. The reason I asked to see you is that I wished to meet two men capable of such great loyalty. And now,” continued the czar, “I have a favor to ask of you: Take me to your third partner.”

Commented the Rabbi of Rizhin: This is the deep and beautiful meeting of the Biblical verse: “When two people love one another, God becomes their partner.” –Elie Wiesel


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