Once upon a time, a young girl who lived at the edge of the forest and loved to wander in the forest became hopelessly lost. As it grew dark in a little girl did not return home, her parents became worried. They began calling for the little girl and searching in the forest, as it grew darker. The parents return home and called neighbors and people from the town to help them search for that little girl.
Meanwhile, the little girl wondered about in the forest and became very worried and anxious as it grew more dark because she could not find her way home. She tried one path and another and became more and more tired. Coming to a clearing in the forest, she lay down by a big rock and fell asleep.
Her frantic parents and neighbors scoured the forest. They called and called the little girl’s name but to no avail. Many of the girl’s searchers became exhausted and left, but the little girl’s father continued searching throughout the night.
Early in the morning, the father came to a clearing where the little girl had lain to sleep. He suddenly saw his little girl and ran toward her, yelling and making a great noise on the dry branches which woke the little girl. The little girl saw her father, and with a great shout of joy she exclaimed, “Daddy, I found you.”
This is the same for God and us. Daily, He searches to find us, wake us, and become one again. When the meeting finally occurs we believe that we find Him, when actually all we did was open our eyes.