The story is told of Moshe Rabbenu, who had one day approached God with a request for one of the three keys which He himself always kept. These are the keys for rain, food and creation. Moshe continued to pester the Almighty with his request, so finally tiring of him, God said, “All right Moses what do you want?”
He replied, “One of Your keys.”
God answered, “But Moshe, you know I keep these keys for myself. The key of creation is for me and for me alone. Rain I must carefully administer as I pledged never to flood the earth again with the covenant of the rainbow. But since you are My best prophet I shall entrust you with my key for food for one month only."
At the end of the month, Moses approached God and said, “See Almighty! All of your people are well fed. I gave each and everyone more than enough and now they're happy and satisfied.”
To this God replied, “Moshe, look at that palm tree to your right. Moses turned in approached it.
”Do you see that rock? Pick it up.”
Moses picked it up and saw a tiny ant dead.
”You see Moses-only I have the power to see the natural order of life. Even the tiniest of ants house has a soul and is blessed with My countenance.” -Isaac Jacob