Robin Norwood, in “Women who Love Too Much,” tells the story of a man, divorced and remarried, who sitting alone at home one Sunday afternoon watching the football game. He was alone because his wife and stepdaughter had learned that he was happier with them out of the house so he could watch the game in peace. Midway through the third quarter, the phone rang. He got up to answer it, annoyed that he had to interrupt the game because there was no one else in the house to get the phone. It turned out to be his brother, calling to tell him their father had just died and he would have to come home for the funeral. He had never been terribly close to his father, but at a time like that he had no choice but to go home. A few days later, during shivah, his brother said to him, “Isn’t it strange to be back in the old house again and nothing has changed except that dad isn’t sitting over there watching television?” - Rabbi Harold Kushner
Life life a if each moment is of ultimate consequence.