“The men put their question to Jonah with profound wisdom. The wished to find out whether he was of the seed of Joseph…They said, in effect, ‘If you are the seed of Joseph, pray that the sea man cease its raging… If you are of the seed of Jacob…Then pray to the Master that he may send his angel to save us…’ They further asked, ‘What is your occupation?’…Where do you come from?’…that is, Who were your forefathers?...And ‘What is your country?’… Is it a country that deserves punishment? Thus all the questions put by them have a good reason.” –Chaim Potok
“Between 1305 and the early 1800’s. the House of Taxis ran a form of pony express service all over Europe…. Its couriers clad in blue and silver uniforms, crisscrossed the continent carrying messages between princes and generals, merchants and money lenders.” –Alvin Toffler, The Third Wave We may think we are the first generation consumed by rapid communication but we are not. Throughout our history it has been a priority. Of course, now in the 21 st century we must ask: are we better or worse for it?