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God, "Take care of My World"

The calf was being led along the street towards slaughterhouse. As Rabbi Judah passed by, the animal broke loose, sensing that was going to its death. It ran to Rabbi Judah and nuzzled its head in his cloak and whimpering pathetically.

Gently, Rabbi Judah turned the calf around to where its owner stood waiting and bent down to whispered in its ear, “Go, this is what you were created for.”

That day, the heavenly court decreed that since Rabbi Judah had  shown no compassion, sufferings will be brought upon him.

One day, Rabbi Judah’s servant was cleaning the house. A weasel made its home in the dark corner and had deposited young there. The maid was about to sweep them out and throw them away.

”Stop,” cried Rabbi Judah. “It is written, ‘His mercies extend to all his works’.” 

Straight away, the heavenly court decreed that since he had shown compassion, compassion would be shown to him.


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