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Dogs Don't Believe

The Dubner Maggid overheard a group of freethinkers scoffing at the Jewish religion and at the idea of a Messiah.  He turned to them and said, “A hungry fox saw a crow standing on a branch of a tall tree and called up, “Why are you afraid to come down to me?  The Messiah has come; no animal will now devour the other.  All will live in peace with one another.”  
While the fox was talking to the crow, he heard the voices of barking dogs.  He became frightened and asked the crow to see where the barking came from. 
 “Hunter and ferocious-looking dogs are coming this way,” the crow informed him.  
Instantly the fox began to run.  
“Didn’t you say that the Messiah had come?” the crow asked. “Why are you running?”  
“What else should I do?” the fox replied.  “Dogs don’t believe in a Messiah.”


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