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A little over a decade ago, I was invited to address and “ideological seminar” of the World Union of Jewish Students some 30 miles north of Helsinki in Finland. An ongoing debate developed between myself and very debonair Israeli journalist, publisher of a rather decadent, extremely left-wing newspaper.
Throughout of our debate he kept arguing that I am a member of the Hebrew nation, while you are a member of the American nation, you are a Belgian national, and you are French national. I am in Hebrew national-and therefore we are not the same people. We may have the same connection in the remote past, like that of the Australians and the British, we are basically of different nationalities. I am a Hebrew national.”  I had just about enough of this particular line and so I said, “I’d like you to know that in the country I came from ‘Hebrew National’ is the name of the firm that produces baloney. The only difference is that their baloney is certified as kosher. Rabbi Norman Lamm

We should always be proud of what we do, not the sense of entitlement we feel.


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