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What We Learn from Oppression

There is a tradition that during our ancestor’s enslavement in Egypt Pharaoh ordered husbands and wives to live apart, to ensure that they would refrain from sexual relations.  Rabbi Shimon the son of Halafta said: “How did the daughters of Israel react to this decree?  They procured food and wine for their husbands in the fields who were exhausted from crushing labor.  After their husbands ate, their wives would take mirrors and gaze into them along with their husbands.  Each woman would say endearingly to her husband, “See I am more attractive than you.”  In this fashion each wife aroused the passion of her husband with the result that these women became the mothers of many children.  -Midrash Tanhuma

Several lessons emerge:
1.     Do not give up.
2.     In your relationship keep the flame of intimacy burning.
3.     Love triumphs when given a chance.


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