A story is told about the great Hasidic master, Rabbi Levi Yitzhak of Berdichev and an atheist who lived in his town. One day, Rabbi Levi Yitzhak met this man and said to him, “I hear you do not believe in God,” The man replied defensively, “That is true.” “Well,” Rabbi Levi Yitzhak gently continued, “I would like to hear more. Perhaps the God you don’t believe in is the same God I don’t believe in.” -Rabbi Susan Grossman
What kind of God you you believe in? One who destroys all your enemies? Or one who encourages the noble? One who is the cause of all pain? Or one who causes remission? Who weeps with the downtrodden? One who is on the side of the strong? Or the helpless? Tell me, which God you you not believe in?
What kind of God you you believe in? One who destroys all your enemies? Or one who encourages the noble? One who is the cause of all pain? Or one who causes remission? Who weeps with the downtrodden? One who is on the side of the strong? Or the helpless? Tell me, which God you you not believe in?