A man befriended
a bird in the forest. The man sought to deepen their friendship and invited
the bird to his home for hospitality. Before they entered the house from the cold, the bird noticed the man
blowing on his hands. “Why are
you blowing on your hands?” the bird asked. “That’s to make my hands warm,” the man replied. As they sat down to eat the bird noticed the man
blowing on his hot soup. “Why
are you blowing on your soup?” the bird asked. “That’s to make my soup cold,” the man replied. With that, the man noticed the bird flying toward the
door. “Where are you going?”
he asked the bird. To which
the bird replied, “A man who blows both hot and cold with the same breath
cannot be a friend.”
Or as someone so well put it: A true friend is there
when you need them … a false friend is there when they need you! – Aesop fable
retold by Rabbi Mitchell Wohlberg