At a 2000 Memorial Program at the Brooklyn VA Hospital, we dedicated a new clinical building. As part of the program, the then reigning Miss America, also an accomplished singer, entertained us. Afterwards, at a reception, she circulated among the crowd of patients, employees and volunteers, greeting people and posing with anyone who wanted instant snapshots.
Later, Polina, one of our oldest regular volunteers, rushed to my office and excitedly proclaimed, "Rabbi! Rabbi!
Look! I had my picture taken with Miss America!"
I scrutinized the photo for a few seconds, and then quipped, "Very nice, Polina. Very nice. But, tell me, which one here is Miss America?"
"Oh, Rabbi," gushed the elderly Polina. "You just made my day."
I always tried to "make the day" for my patients--and volunteers.
- Rabbi Murray Stadtmauer
Imagine now what good you can do today. All it takes is a kind word.