There was once a house about to collapse in Babylonia. Rav sent one of his disciples to clear everything
out of the house. as soon as he finished
the house collapsed.
The sages asked, “What good deeds did you do to merit that?”
He said to them, “In my entire life I went to the synagogue
early and got there before anyone else. When
I went out I never walked more than four cubits without speaking words of Torah. I also never mentioned the teachings of Torah
in an inappropriate setting. I never overslept. I never tried to advance myself over my
colleagues. I never called a colleague
by a nickname. I showed them
respect. I never cursed my fellow. I never walked to the marketplace to collect
money from someone who owed me. I also
never lost my temper with my family.
This is what is meant in Psalms, "I will walk with integrity
of heart within Your house.” - from the Jerusalem
Talmud, Taanit