A fictional
story is told of a bird during the days of creation. This particular bird was
created without wings and when it looked around at other birds soaring in the
heavens it implored the Creator to allow it to fly. That night, whilst the bird
was asleep, G–d affixedwings to its body. When the bird awoke and saw two new
appendages to its body it said to G–d, “G–d, I asked you to make me fly, not to
make me heavier.” G–d replied, “little bird, just flap them and you will see
that you will fly.” The restrictions often seem like extra baggage but once we
utilize them, they allow us to fly and soar into new heights. - Nissan
“Between 1305 and the early 1800’s. the House of Taxis ran a form of pony express service all over Europe…. Its couriers clad in blue and silver uniforms, crisscrossed the continent carrying messages between princes and generals, merchants and money lenders.” –Alvin Toffler, The Third Wave We may think we are the first generation consumed by rapid communication but we are not. Throughout our history it has been a priority. Of course, now in the 21 st century we must ask: are we better or worse for it?