There is a
famous Hassidic story about Reb Zusha of Anipoli, who was a paragon of piety
and of compassion. Reb Zusha was laying on his deathbed surrounded by his
disciples. He was weeping copiously and no one could comfort him. One student
asked his Rebbe, "Why do you cry? You were almost as wise as Moses and as
kind as Abraham." Reb Zusha answered, "When I pass from this
world and appear before the Heavenly Tribunal, they won't ask me, 'Zusha, why
weren't you as wise as Moses or as kind as Abraham,' rather, they will ask me,
'Zusha, why weren't you Zusha?' Why didn't I fulfill my potential, why didn't I
follow the path that could have been mine." -Rabbi Jonathan Waxman
Do. Do not think. Or wait. Do it now.