I don’t know if you ever heard of the story of Mr. Schwartz,
Lumber Jack Supreme, who one day walks into the offices of the North Woods
Lumber Company in Wisconsin and meets with the foreman as part of his interview
to become a lumberjack. The foreman looks at Mr. Schwartz and sees an
elderly man, well into his eighties, a Yiddish newspaper stuck beneath one
armpit, a little ax flung over his other shoulder, who proceeds to apply for a
position with the company. The foreman tries to be sensitive to the elderly
Mr. Schwartz and says to him, “You know, a lumberjack is a very strenuous job,
are you sure you are up to the task?” Mr. Schwartz says, “I’m up to the
task. I’ve been choppin’ avay all my life.” The foreman is still
skeptical so he asks, “Well, where have you worked in the past?”
Mr. Schwartz replies, “Vell, I vas choppin’ away in the Sahara Forest.”
The foreman replies, “Mr. Schwartz, you mean the Sahara Desert.” And Mr.
Schwartz replied, “Vell, NOW they call it a desert!”
Raphael Rank