A Hasid lost his wealth and had to hire himself out. His wife
was a good, sensible and pious woman. Elijah the prophet came to the man in
disguise one day as he was working in the field and said, “You have six good
years due to you. When would you prefer them,
now or at the end of your life?”
The Hasid asked, "Why? Are you a magician? I have no money
to give. Leave me."
Twice the stranger returned. The Hasid then said, “Let me
consult my wife.” He told his wife of the encounter and asked, “What shall I do?"
She said, "Tell him we want the six years now."
So he did. The stranger told him to go home and his wish would
be fulfilled. No sooner had he caught sight of his house when he saw his
children digging in the ground. And they found buried enough money to sustain
them for six years. But his wife advised, "Since God was so gracious let
us help others."
As each day passed she would ask the youngest child to write
down the sums disbursed to benefit others.
Six years went by. Elijah returned and told the father,
"The six years are now up I must take back what I gave you."
The Hasid replied, “I took the money with my wife's counsel. I
will return it only with her consent."
To his wife he said, “The old man just come back for his money.”
She said to her husband, “Tell him, if you find anyone faithful
than we were with what you gave us, then forward the trust to him.”
The Hasid was thankful and praised God.