Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel once taught, a chasid wass planning to build a house, but instead of consulting an architect, he turned to his rebbe for advice. The saintly rebbe assured the chasid that he'll find everything he needs to know about building a house in Masechet Midot, a tractate of behavior. The chasid went home & followed the advice of the Rebbe. But, alas, the house he built soon fell apart. The Chasid, very upset, ran back to his rebbe & with tears in his eyes asked him how could this happen. After a couple of minutes, the rebbe replied: "Come to think of it, תוספות פרעגט טאקע די זעלבע קשיא ״ - Tosafot asks the same question." - Rabbi Charles Kraus Sometimes there is a wide gulf of difference between that which is practical and that which is theoretical .