In a village near Koshnitz, a dispute broke out between the Hasidim and the Mitnagdim. The Hasidim, which was the smaller group, decided to form their own congregation. This was made known to R. Yisrael, the Maggid of Koshnitz. He invited the heads of the Hasidim and said, "There are serious punishments in the Torah for sinners, but we do not find that we are obligated to separate ourselves from them. Only in one place in the Torah do we find "separate yourselves from this community," and this is in the dispute of Korah. They wanted to introduce divisions within the camp, as it says in the Targum, "and Korah divided," and whoever wishes to make divisions between Jews, we are commanded to separate from him. (Ma'asey Ha-Tzadikim) Rabbi Carl Astor