Here is a story that will resonate with travelers:
A rich Texan once visited Ireland and “did it” in a few hours. After his excursion he commented on the size of the country.
“Why in my ranch I can get in my car and drive for five days from one end of my place to the other.”
His guide replied, “I know what you mean. I used to have a car like that.”
It is not a question of quantity when traveling (think of “It is Tuesday so it must be Belgium”). Discovering how others live, eating their fare, feeling the sense of the place is what makes travel leap into vivid colors. It also make life meaningful...even when travel only takes us to the next town.
A rich Texan once visited Ireland and “did it” in a few hours. After his excursion he commented on the size of the country.
“Why in my ranch I can get in my car and drive for five days from one end of my place to the other.”
His guide replied, “I know what you mean. I used to have a car like that.”
It is not a question of quantity when traveling (think of “It is Tuesday so it must be Belgium”). Discovering how others live, eating their fare, feeling the sense of the place is what makes travel leap into vivid colors. It also make life meaningful...even when travel only takes us to the next town.