Nobody likes a constant complainer. Yet, the definition of someone who complains a lot will vary from person to person.
One person may reach their threshold when they hear the same comment twice. Others, well, others are different:
Brother Paul joined a monastery and took a ten-year vow of silence. After ten years the abbot called him in and asked if he had anything to say. “Food cold,” said Brother Paul.
“I’ll look into it” said the abbot.
Another ten years passed, and the abbot again asked if Brother Paul had anything to say. “Food still cold,” he replied. The abbot said he’d look into it.
Ten years later the abbot once more asked in Brother Paul had anything to say. “Food still cold. I quit,” he answered.
“It’s just as well,” said the abbot. “Nobody can stand a habitual griper.”
- Clark Hartman quoted in Reader’s Digest